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DE is a program founded by FIRST Team 2974 (Walton Robotics) and Georgia FIRST in which a full- size official FRC field is made available to all Georgia teams throughout the year to hone their robot skills. The original goal was to get a Georgia team to play in the world championships on the Einstein Field, but is now expanded to include many collaborative events where teams help other teams to improve and move toward the world championships and the Einstein Field!
We offer scrimmages for all three seasons (FLL, FTC, and FRC) prior to the launch of in person competition. This is to allow teams to practice on a real field without the stress of competition, to get feedback for judging, and to experience opportunities to practice Gracious Professionalism. This is a differentiator for teams who don't have a lot of peers around them. For CSP, it's about middle Georgia and east Alabama getting exposure to the real experience of FIRST before having to perform.
VIDEO of our first three weeks in 2016: Our Build and Destination Einstein Field Installation.